do it yourself divas: DIY: Cafe Curtain

DIY: Cafe Curtain

1:51 PM

So this isn't exactly a DIY, I'm just showing all of you my new cafe curtain. However, I did put it up myself.

My kitchen used to have these brown valances over the windows and I'm changing it all!
First I did the cafe curtain above the sink. The houses in our neighborhood are really close to each other and I wanted privacy but I also wanted to allow the sun to shine in. I removed the blinds (which were broken anyway) and put this up.

I'll show you guys the other windows when I get them done.


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  1. I love the idea of this window cover! Thanks for sharing! I have a garden window and have been wanting to cover it at night since its getting dark out :)

  2. So, did you make these curtains, or buy them. If you bought them, where did you purchase them.
