do it yourself divas: DIY: Superhero Muscle Shirt/ DIY Batman Costume

DIY: Superhero Muscle Shirt/ DIY Batman Costume

10:17 AM

This has got to be my favorite part of my little dude's Batman Costume.  Not only is it my favorite, but it was dang cheap and so very easy to create!

Get two black t-shirts that are just his size.  (Got mine at Walmart for $3 a piece)

Get some felt and stuffing.  Cut the felt into muscle shapes and hot glue these shapes to one of the black t-shirts.  Make sure that each muscle shape has one side left open, like a little pocket, so you can stuff it full of stuffing.

Once each muscle shape/pocket is stuffed, hot glue the opening closed.

Yes I know it looks horrible, but have no fear, that is why we bought TWO black t-shirts.

Next I put the other black t-shirt over the muscle shirt.  I did this to see where I should sew the Batman Symbol.

(if you would like a tutorial on how I made my batman symbol, just leave a comment below and I can do that for you.)

Once I decided where the symbol looked the best, I removed the outter shirt and sewed the symbol onto it separately.  Once I finished that, I put the batman symbol shirt on the muscle shirt once again.

Finally once the symbol is in place, I hand stitched the two shirts together.  I only stitched around the muscles on the front or where I pinned it into place as seen below.

(sorry for the middle-of-the night/ no light photo above)

Batman Cape Tutorial found HERE...


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  1. This is so very timely! My daughter is being Batgirl, and we are all going to be the Justice League. But I would love to see how you did the bat emblem? I was thinking about trying to paint ours? Batman tee shirts sell out so fast!

  2. @Ranch Mama
    I can do a tutorial on the bat emblem if you would like. How about Saturday or Sunday? Would that be soon enough?

  3. your child looks so cute! cute little Batboy :) great costume, thanks for sharing the idea!

  4. Hi, I am going to attempt to make this for my son for his Halloween costume this year. Although I am not crafty at all and am having a hard time making the muscles. Do you have a silhouette page or something I can trace off of? THANKS!

  5. Love love this! My son's Ant Man costume idea for Halloween suddenly seems much more achievable!
