do it yourself divas: DIY: Christmas Nightgowns/Pajamas

DIY: Christmas Nightgowns/Pajamas

7:16 PM

Barbara, one of our followers, gave me a great idea! To make the famous "strip" rag quilt with matching pajamas for Christmas.

So each of my girls will open a present on Christmas eve with these inside.

Sorry I can't give you the pattern for the nightgown because I just made it up. If only I knew how to draw it on the computer I would gladly share it with all of you. Merry Christmas everyone!!


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  1. They are amazing! What lucky little girls!

  2. love making those kind of quilts - those edges are gorgeous on those - definitely going in with their Christmas pj's this year ;)

  3. I'm sure gonna try making one of these for my daughters! I love the idea of matching sleepwear made at home. I recently bought really cute matching pajamas for my girls from http://www.pajamamania.com/. Really cute ones
